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A Beloved Multi-function Red Dial Design! Utilize our multi-function dial by rotating its front and side. Easy to control with no friction. Latest Multi-function Pen Holder. It can keep your pen, pen nibs and USB receiver safe. You can use it as a pen stand and pen holder. It’s convenient for you to take everywhere.
The Deco 03 graphics tablet features both wired and wireless USB capability: Simply plug the included USB receiver into your computer to draw wirelessly, or connect the Deco 03 to your computer with the included USB cable for standard wired use
10 x 5.62 inch working area: so you get more space to create or get work done. Report Rate Max: 266 RPS, to make lines flow smoother and perform better, working faster and efficiently.
Our stylus technology provides 8192 levels of instant pen pressure sensitivity―Providing you with groundbreaking control and fluidity to expand your creative output. No charging required.
6 fully customizable express keys create a highly ergonomic and convenient work platform. Features Type-C input design, easy to plug in and out. The Deco 03’s thickness is only 8mm! Designed for both right and left hand user.